CALCULATION OF WATER TANK CAPACITY Number of person – 5 nos Number of liters (Aprox) - 175 liters/day/no Number of years - 3days, Capacity of tank = 3 x 5 x 175 = 2625 liters =2.6 cubic meter Depths of tank = 1.21 m Size of the ta...
CALCULATION OF SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY Number of person – 20nos Number of liters (Aprox) - 0.5liters/day/no Number of years - 2 years, Capacity of tank = 730 x 20 x 0.50 = 7300 liters =7.3 cubic meter Depths of tank = 1.8 m Size of ...
CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS STEPS INVOLVED 1. Existing Floor Levels marked in the existing wall. 2. Existing tiles removed. 3. Existing P.C.C removed. 4. Existing soil removed. 5. Checked the Flooring room length is not more that 10'0" and fixed the location if not. 6. We found some half brick walls resting on PCC existing flooring concrete. 7. Made Sand filling and PCC below the half Brick wall. 8. Made the grade beam. 9. Construct the Brick wall till the bottom Half Brick wall. 10. Plastering done in the basement Brick wall. 11. After curing the Wall plaster 3days the excavated earth filled in that basement 12. The earth filling taken by two layer and compacted with water. 13. After two days the 1'0" sand fille...